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I will not be stamped with black eyes

I will not be stamped with black eyes

Hafez divination

I will not be stamped with black eyes

It is heaven and it will not change

Opponents of harassment said no reconciliation

Unless the magicians will turn their backs on them

I had no business day except Randy

Any part that goes there will not increase

God bless us for shouting daff and straw

That the religious instrument of this myth will not be unlawful

Let me be the one to hide his love

What can I say next to her and her arms and arms because she won't

Lal wine and a safe place and kind companion of the maid

Who would be the card if it doesn't now

You have seen the sad role of the memory card holder

That razor wound is tender and will not bleed

Meaning of Horoscope

First interpretation

You are a loving human being and you are silent against the inhumanity you have seen so far. It is true that you are a realistic human being and you do not dream but realize that in the future you will have a great opportunity for financial growth that can ruin your life. Don't miss this great opportunity.

Second interpretation

You have fallen in love and you have no patience. But you have to know that you have to wait for the meaning of the heart, sometimes there is no solution but patience. Do your work on the basis of reason and logic, and do not have feelings that you will regret. Complain about your problem with no complaint, trust in God, and strive to attain your goal
